
An advanced 2D slideshow with WebGL, provides a variety of beautiful effects with GLSL power.

Latest NPM release

Shaders are forked from

Working Examples


$ npm install --save GLSlideshow


import GLSlideshow from 'GLSlideshow';

Traditional way in web browser

Copy GLSlideshow.js from /dist/gl-slideshow.js and place it in your project. Then, Load the js file in your HTML

<script src="./path/to/gl-slideshow.js"></script>

Make a GLSlideshow instance

<canvas id="myCanvas"></canvas>

const slideshow = new GLSlideshow(
	[ './img/1.jpg', './img/2.jpg', './img/3.jpg', './img/4.jpg' ],
		canvas: document.getElementById( 'myCanvas' ), // optional
		width: 1024,        // optional
		height: 576,        // optional
		duration: 1000,     // optional
		interval: 5000,     // optional
		effect: 'crossZoom' // optional

Constructor and Options

new GLSlideshow( images, options );

images (required)

An array consists of HTMLImageElements or strings for path to image.
Images must be hosted on the same domain or arrowed CORS.


key type value
canvas HTMLCanvasElement The canvas element
width number width in pixels
height number height in pixels
imageAspect number aspect ratio of the image (assume all images are the same aspect ratio)
duration number duration time in milliseconds
interval number interval time in milliseconds
effect string name of effect *1

*1 Effect option currently takes following strings


After you made an instance, you can control using the following methods.
For more detail, see APIs example

Editable params

Read only params


Static methods